What if we could learn to establish and maintain healthy a energy and find peace within the chaos of our lives? We can. All of these things are possible according to Jessenia Nozzolillo, a published author and worldwide teacher of Spiritual Development.
I had the opportunity to host an Instagram Live with Jessenia where we discussed numerous topics including energy health and maintenance and how to find inner peace when life gets hectic. Knowing how to manage and control your energy and find peace at any time is essential to living a full, happy, and productive life that contains valuable relationships.
Energy Health and Maintenance
When we are feeling overwhelmed or uneasy, our energy could be to blame. If we neglect the health of our energy, all of the “stuff” can accumulate and we can start to feel the weight of other’s emotions. Jessenia recommends a daily check-in for energy maintenance. The most effective way to clean your energy is through meditation.
Meditation can sound intimidating if you are new to the game, but it is actually something that is easy to learn. One of the best ways to begin a meditation practice is to participate in guided meditation. You can find examples of guided meditation on Youtube, Spotify or on the Calm app.
If following a guided meditation isn’t your cup of tea, fear not, there are other options. Jessenia and I bonded over our love of nature walks as a form of meditation. This is really easy to do. When you are outside, simply focus on the environment and breathing. Inhale, exhale, observe the beauty of nature, inhale, exhale. By doing this, you, my friend, are meditating! Try to do this daily, if possible, to keep your energy healthy and clear. Cultivating a peaceful, clear energy allows you to respond to life in a logical and controlled way.
Finding Peace in Chaos
There are times when life throws a lot in our direction. How can we find composure when we feel like we are being pulled in a million different directions or when we feel like so much is happening that is out of our control? The only thing that you can control is yourself and your actions.
We need to protect the energy that we are trying so hard to clear daily and maintain. Jessenia claims that the best way to find peace during chaotic times is to set boundaries. She emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, learning to say “no” and to give to yourself first. This is especially important if you are a “giver” by nature. Givers like to help people… they enjoy making other people happy, sometimes at their own expense.
According to Jessenia, it is important to find that healthy balance between giving and taking. Of course, you can help others when necessary (especially if you find joy in it) but you must find time to give to yourself. Don’t promise to others what you don’t provide for yourself.
Jessenia Nozzolillo also believes that facing your issues and healing from them ultimately leads to optimal peace. We all suffer from trauma from past situations and the remnants can cause obstacles in our present life. Facing and resolving these issues leads to growth.
Special thank you to the gifted – Jessenia Nozzolillo and to ChikMedia!
To find out more about Jessenia or her work, visit her website at: https://www.jessenianozzolillo.com