Some people address every situation with natural assurance. Their belief in themselves can’t be shaken. It seems like they are always at ease, whether they’re meeting new people, making a presentation at their high pressure job, or wearing the latest and most daring fashions. People in their midst are left pondering, “What is their secret? Were they just born that way? Are they pretending? I want to be like that, but how?” Let me address these questions: I don’t think that there is a “secret”. I do think that some people are naturally more confident. Yes, people can pretend. You can learn to be confident, too! It is all about breaking negative patterns and incorporating certain habits in to your everyday routine and mindset. Here are 10 Habits of Confident People!
Continue on despite insecurities
We must understand that even the people that we think are the MOST self assured, experience insecurities. They might be acting confident, but could be feeling incredibly doubtful. It happens to the best of us. We are all human. Every single person has felt insecure at some point in their life. The difference is that a confident person continues on despite insecurities. They understand that feeling insecure is something that they can overcome. When you are feeling this way, recall that it is natural to feel doubt but dig deep to replace that doubt with belief.

Sets boundaries
Setting and respecting boundaries is essential for mental health and well-being. What does that mean and how do you do it? Healthy boundaries allow someone to form their identity by establishing what they will or will not allow. This includes setting emotional and physical boundaries and saying “no” when necessary. When someone doesn’t have boundaries, they can stretch themselves too thin. Trying to do “everything” takes time away from their own mental and physical self-care and can lead to resentment.

Doesn’t compare
The most confident people that I know stay in your own lane. Rather than comparing themselves to what they see on social media, tv or magazines, they focus on bettering themselves, their goals for the future and the good things that are in their life in the present. It is imperative to acknowledge what we all know to be true – that social media is a highlight reel of someone’s life. No one is going to post about the time when they felt terrible or hopeless… but they’re going to post loads of photos of their Hawaiian vacation or details about their new job promotion. That is all white noise. You do YOU! Focus on the goals that you set for yourself and becoming the person that you want to be.

Listens to and Learns from others
When you are confident, you know that what you think of yourself, matters more than what other people think about you. With that in mind, assured people will take constructive criticism with ease and use it to become better. Important lessons can be learned from listening to teachers, mentors and people who have accomplished what you are hoping to. Listen to what people have to say, don’t take it personally, decide if it is in your best interest, use it to your advantage, become better. Boom.

Knows Their Strengths and Weaknesses
Everyone has certain things in which they excel and others where they fall short. This is normal and it is okay! Acknowledge and accept this. Once you recognize the areas of “weakness” you can focus on learning more about them and improving these areas of your life. You can use your strengths to kick a$$ and build the life of your dreams.
Open to New Experiences and Lessons
Confident people aren’t afraid to try to new things. They especially aren’t afraid of trying new things and being bad at them. Failure isn’t the end all for people with a healthy self esteem. Rather, failure allows people to persevere! Perseverance, determination, and an open mind will eventually lead to success. Confident people find peace in this and view a “failure” as a way to learn, grow, and persist. Try, “fail”, learn, try again, “fail”, learn more, try again… (eventually) succeed and gain confidence.
Supports and Encourages Others
Remember that there is enough of the good stuff for everyone! There is not a set amount of happiness or success in the world. There is no reason why we can’t all “make it”. So, celebrate when someone accomplishes something awesome! There is enough happiness, success, and joy for everyone! Confidence allows us to encourage and empower, rather than compare and compete.

Has Goals and Works Towards Them
When you set goals for yourself and put effort in to achieving those goals, you gain confidence. Set big and small goals, establish a plan, the take action. Don’t limit yourself when you are setting goals! Set big, butterflies in belly goals! Those goals light a fire in you that give your life purpose. The smaller goals will be stepping stone goals to your bigger, butterfly goals. Setting, working towards and achieving goals will help you gain faith in yourself and your abilities. If you can dream it, you can do it – don’t give up!
Doesn’t Take Things Personally
People who are confident don’t take things personally. They understand that they can’t control or influence how others think and respond to our actions. People take things personally because they care about what others think of them. Confident individuals don’t constantly seek approval and acceptance from others. They know that it is safe to be themselves, they accept themselves and in doing so, find people who respect and love them exactly as they are.
Takes Care of Themselves
Confident individuals value themselves and recognize that when they take care of themselves, they are able to give their best to the people around them. Self care comes in many forms – mental, physical, emotional and can be defined as, “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness.” Meditation, journaling, reading, exercising, healthy eating, therapy, and getting enjoy Zzzs are all forms of self care. When you take care of yourself, you feel your best and you can give your best to those who matter the most to you.
Try incorporating these habits in to your everyday routine.
With practice and patience your confidence will grow.
It is possible to become a confident person!